An arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic numbers that also emphasizes periodicity.
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | |||||||||||
1 |
H1 |
He2 | ||||||||||||||||
2 |
Li3 |
Be4 | B5 | C6 | N7 | O8 | F9 | Ne10 | ||||||||||
3 | Na11 | Mg12 | Al13 | Si14 | P15 | S16 | Cl17 | Ar18 | ||||||||||
4 | K19 | Ca20 | Sc21 | Ti22 | V23 | Cr24 | Mn25 | Fe26 | Co27 | Ni28 | Cu29 | Zn30 | Ga31 | Ge32 | As33 | Se34 | Br35 | Kr36 |
5 | Rb37 | Sr38 | Y39 | Zr40 | Nb41 | Mo42 | Tc43 | Ru44 | Rh45 | Pd46 | Ag47 | Cd48 | In49 | Sn50 | Sb51 | Te52 | I53 | Xe54 |
6 | Cs55 | Ba56 | La57 | Hf72 | Ta73 | W74 | Re75 | Os76 | Ir77 | Pt78 | Au79 | Hg80 | Tl81 | Pb82 | Bi83 | Po84 | At85 | Rn86 |
7 | Fr87 | Ra88 | Ac89 | Rf 104 |
Db 105 |
Sg 106 |
Bh 107 |
Hs 108 |
Mt 109 |
Ds 110 |
Uuu 111 |
Uub 112 |
Uut 113 |
Uuq 114 |
UUp 115 |
Uuh 116 |
Uus 117 |
Uuo 118 |
Ce58 | Pr59 | Nd60 | Pm61 | Sm62 | Eu63 | Gd64 | Tb65 | Dy66 | Ho67 | Er68 | Tm69 | Yb70 | Lu71 |
Th90 | Pa91 | U92 | Np93 | Pu94 | Am95 | Cm96 | Bk97 | Cf98 | Es99 | Fm100 | Md101 | No102 | Lr103 |
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